Here come the Cinema Lessons
Every year, the Festival dei Popoli combines a selection of the best documentaries from all over the world and retrospectives with a wide-ranging program of meetings with directors and international guests, round tables animated by professionals, debates on the films in the program and - a novelty of the last edition - reflections on the issues addressed by them on the part of personalities from culture and society.
Among these in-depth studies, we cannot forget our unmissable masterclasses, entrusted every year to internationally renowned filmmakers: unique and unrepeatable opportunities to enter the creative universe of those who have chosen cinema as a means of artistic expression.
Unique and unrepeatable occasions... until today! We have, in fact, decided to share with all those who follow us throughout the year some of the materials kept in our archives. Starting on May 23rd, we will publish, on a monthly basis, some of the masterclasses we held during the past editions. For those who were there with us and for those who missed them.
"Cinema Lessons" is a series of appointments curated by the Archives of the Festival dei Popoli, which you will find on the platform Più Compagnia, the virtual hall of the Cinema La Compagnia in Florence (managed by the Area Cinema di Fondazione Sistema Toscana) and on the Vimeo channel of the Festival dei Popoli.
Each lesson will be available for the duration of 1 month with totally free access. The cycle of "Cinema Lessons" will allow you to learn about the methodologies adopted by some of the most important filmmakers in activity, artists with a formidable talent, each of them endowed with a unique and inimitable ability to look and personal point of view. By following us in our monthly appointments, you will have the opportunity to get to know the thoughts of sensibilities as different as they are united by a common passion: cinema.
from May 23, 2022 - On Writing documentary films (with Danielle Arbid, Sergio Oksman, Avi Mograbi)
from June 23, 2022 - Raymond Depardon and Claudine Nougaret
from July 23, 2022 - Jos de Putter
from August 23, 2022 - Claire Simon
from September 23, 2022 - Sergei Loznitsa
Each lesson has been realized starting from the audio-video recordings of the masterclasses held in presence during the past editions of the festival, subjected to an editorial work by Alberto Lastrucci (responsible for the Archives of the Festival dei Popoli), with the collaboration of Veronica Citi (filmmaker and editor). The immediately recognizable graphics were created by Andrea Magagnato (Cinema Area of Fondazione Sistema Toscana). Each lesson contains sequences and trailers of the films cited and an apparatus of 'Keywords' to facilitate comprehension and subdivision into thematic chapters.
The "Cinema Lessons" of the Festival dei Popoli Archives are part of the project for the cataloguing, digitalization and valorization of the Festival dei Popoli and Mediateca Toscana archives. Fondazione Sistema Toscana and Festival dei Popoli are involved in this project with the support of Regione Toscana and with the collaboration of the Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Toscana.