New horizons for audiovisual archival heritage
25 November at 10.15 -Mediateca Regionale Toscana
On the occasion of the 62nd edition of the Festival dei Popoli - International Documentary Film Festival - the Cinema Area of Fondazione Sistema Toscana and the Archive of the Festival dei Popoli propose, in a day dedicated to the digital archival heritage, an in-depth study of some elements of innovation of the sector, with a view to facilitating the methods of accessing and using audiovisual archives.
The meeting addressed to professionals and teachers and to all interested parties, is free of charge and will be held on Thursday 25 November and will be available in live streaming on our pagina Facebook. Language: Italian

10:15 am - Welcome greetings
10:30 am - Presentation: "Public History Remix: reuse and enhancement of audiovisual archives for an interactive experience", a multidisciplinary project created by the University of Pisa, in collaboration with Fondazione Sistema Toscana and Festival dei Popoli. The application of a research system using Artificial Intelligence allows new forms of interrogation of audiovisual materials, making them available to a wide range of possible uses: from research to teaching, from creative reuse to artistic expression.
Introduced by: Prof. Enrica Salvatori
(Digital Culture Laboratory, UNIPI)
Presentation by: Giovanni Grasso, Chiara Mannari, Davide Serramazza, (Research fellows, University of Pisa).
11:30 am - Coffee Break
11:45 am - Panel "New horizons for audiovisual archival heritage in view of the receipt by the Italian legal system of the" Copyright Directive "of the European Union 2019/790".
Speakers: Avv. Marcello Mustilli, Avv. Matteo Roiz (BLM Law Firm, Rome).
To follow - Q&A
Moderating the meetings: Camilla Toschi (FST Cinema Area), Alberto Lastrucci (Head of the Festival dei Popoli Archive)
Access allowed to Green Pass holders, maximum capacity: 30 seats.
For reservations: info@cinemalacompagnia.it