Spain | 2023 | 90 min
An old Super8 film camera, a lot of footage, much of it silent. What are really those images? How do they question us over forty years on from the moment they were filmed? Here begins a journey that, departing from a set of home movies, soon becomes a poetic and theoretical reflection on memory, cinema, and the relationship of sound and picture. A journey made of questions and attempts to answer them. How to make those images still meaningful? How can sound be rethought when it is absent? How to regain little and big rituals, gestures, which can be glimpsed through the images like fragile traces? Zinzindurrunkarratz is not a found-footage film but a film on outright cinema, that with a free, but engaging approach shows the power often hidden in each individual image, whether casual or deprived of any artistic ambition. In this awareness lies the answer to the aforementioned questions, that is to say, the possibility of inventing cinema again. (d.d.)