Burning Borders
Restless and seductive, unstable and vibrant, the cinema of Nicolas Klotz and Elisabeth Perceval has been reinventing itself for forty years to escape the dictates of an increasingly homologating film industry and soar towards new forms of the art and of the moving image. At the center, a research on the political gesture as continuous testing of man within society, of his possibilities to create new relationships, new thinking and new communities. Beyond documentary and fiction, their work lives on the suspension of poetry, establishing moments of pure beauty that restores the dignity of existence for those on the fringes and with voices always outside of the chorus. A tribute to two unbounded authors, whose filmography is being constantly rewritten, in the year in which they made a film as a declaration and message not only for cinema, but also as a mark of citizenship for the future.
In cooperation with Istituto Francese di Firenze, Istituto Francese Italia, Ambasciata di Francia e Unifrance.