The selected Projects of the third edition of Itineranze DOC
Itineranze Doc is a 6-month training course dedicated to documentary projects in development. The programme envisages six intensive workshops dedicated to specific aspects of film development that will take place during the days of the organising festivals (Bellaria Film Festival, IsReal Festival, Sole Luna Doc Film Festival, PerSo – Perugia Social Film Festival, FrontDoc – Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Frontiera, Festival dei Popoli). These projects, from emerging Italian or in-country filmmakers, are looking for producers and other partners to complete and distribute their debut works. The pitch will be moderated by Zeynep Güzel, Head of Doc Station at Berlinale Talents.
Omar Rashid will present a preview of his upcoming documentary, ‘Generazione Fumetto’, together with producer Alessandro Tiberio (Valmyn). The film explores the contemporary Italian comics scene through the voices of seven established Italian cartoonists: Michele Rech (Zerocalcare), Giacomo Keison Bevilacqua, Micheal Rocchetti (Gli Scarabocchi di Maicol e Mirco), Sio (Simone Albrigi), Mirka Andolfo, Sara Pichelli and Rita Petruccioli.