Claire Simon
With Claire Simon
Running time: 135' - Languages: French and Italian
Available for one month starting August 23
A filmmaker with an extremely eclectic talent who, in the course of a career studded with prizes and awards, we have seen try her hand at both fiction and documentary filmmaking, film-essay and autobiographical narrative, Claire Simon was the guest of honor at the Festival dei Popoli in 2008, on the occasion of the first of the three editions directed by Luciano Barisone, who introduces this encounter, moderated by Carlo Chatrian, to the audience in the hall.
In the course of a long and articulate conversation, Claire Simon recalls her own apprenticeship as an editor and her debut works, proceeding afterwards to delve into some of the essential issues of her working method: casting, the use of panoramic shooting, attention to live sound, directing style. Added to this is a stimulating reflection on "cinema and painting". Some sequences from Claire Simon's films facilitate the understanding of what emerges in the course of the lecture.
"Cinema Lessons" is a series of appointments curated by the Festival dei Popoli Archive, which you will find on the Più Compagnia platform, the virtual hall of the Cinema La Compagnia in Florence (managed by the Cinema Area of Fondazione Sistema Toscana) and on the Vimeo channel of the Festival dei Popoli.