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Tessa Jonot, Nina Barellini, Giorgia Percacciante, Gaia Cecchi, Emma Mammoli, Sara Danti (Liceo Statale Giovanni Pascoli) in abbinamento con classe 5A I.C. Montagnola Gramsci

Italy | 2023 | 16 min | col.

How many times have we thought of what it would be like to go back to our childhood? “Ritorno all’Isola che non c’è” is a documentary that takes us back to childhood and adolescence, and makes us rediscover how important play and lightness are in an age in which everything seems to change too fast. 


Classe 2APM I.S.I.S. Sismondi-Pacinotti in abbinamento con Classe 2B  Valchiusa (I.C. Libero Andreotti) e Classe 2E Alberghi (I.C. Libero Andreotti)

Italy | 2023 | 2023 min | col.

What does “different” mean? And feeling “different”? Istituto Libero Andreotti I-grade secondary school pupils, along with those of the Istituto Sismondi Pacinotti 2APM section, try to answer these complex questions that don’t have a single answer. However, they help investigate one’s identity and uniqueness without fear or reticence.


Gabrielle Coluccia, Ema Havari, Sara Naldi, Sofia Nocentini, Federico Castoldi Paganelli (Liceo Statale Giovanni Pascoli) in abbinamento con classe 2D I.C. Montagnola Gramsci

Italy | 2023 | 13 min | col.

More than ever, school is a real melting pot. This documentary is an investigation of the possibilities, but also difficulties, entailed by multi-culturalism. A journey throughout the accounts of kids who have different experiences and stories but share the same desire to understand the other.


Classe 3ASS I.S.I.S. Sismondi-Pacinotti in abbinamento con classi Classe 4A T.P. Valchiusa e Classe 4B T.P. Valchiusa (I.C. Libero Andreotti)

Italy | 2023| 16 min | col.

Istituto Sismondi Pacinotti 3ASS pupils meet those of the Istituto Libero Andreotti primary school for a journey of exchange and mutual comprehension in which the younger are faced with what they are and will want to be in the future, while the older question themselves on how their expectations and dreams change in a complicated phase as that of adolescence.


Astrid Nencini, Alice Barchi, Bianca Marzapeni, Cristina Biondillo (Liceo Statale Giovanni Pascoli) in abbinamento con classe 4B F. Petrarca (I.C. Montagnola Gramsci)

Italy | 2023 | 15 min | col.

This is a reflection conducted through games and activities on the perception of gender issues among primary school pupils. A documentary that shows the audience how it is possible to fight gender stereotypes by identifying in the other. Such a journey can multiply its effects especially if it begins from an early age.


Elisa Marchi, Frida Natalizio, Anna Servadei, Lucrezia Sottili (Liceo Statale Giovanni Pascoli) in abbinamento con classe 1D I.C. Montagnola Gramsci

Italy | 2023 | 16 min | col.

An intimate and brave journey into a too often ignored feeling, sadness. It is a sentiment that one should not be afraid of, on the contrary: one should try to understand it, through questions and reflections. In this documentary, II-grade and I-grade secondary school pupils question together the problems of Generation Z and the possibilities of shaping a new future.

The event is finished.

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 12 Nov 2023
  • Time: 4:30


Cinema La Compagnia
Cinema La Compagnia - Via Camillo Cavour, 50/R, 50121 Florence
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