Festival dei Popoli Docs4teens_2025

Doc4Teens network

Doc4Teens is a network composed of 5 European film festivals of international relevance with the aim of disseminating film culture among young audiences through a set of initiatives aimed at presenting documentary works particularly suitable for children and young people and bringing the new generations closer to the world of cinema as a tool of artistic expression, through workshops, meetings with filmmakers and many other activities. 

The network festivals
The New Audience

In today's world of rapidly evolving technology, increasing disinformation and the proliferation of content generated by artificial intelligence, the ability to critically analyze and evaluate media has become a central issue for education, democracy and citizenship. New generations are born and grow up in an environment populated by digital screens and are exposed to an overload of fast-moving images. In this context, adolescence (12-18 years) is a particularly important age group for media and film literacy actions. Frequent users of social media, adolescents are exposed to the manipulative effects of information and are themselves active producers of the content they share through the network. At an age when they develop critical thinking skills and personal opinions, it seems essential to provide them with tools to navigate complex digital landscapes, become informed citizens and participate in public life in a responsible manner.

Docs4Teens actions

Documentaries occupy a crucial position in our societies, providing a deeper perspective on the world through creative yet factual forms of expression and information. As experts in the documentary film industry, the member festivals of Docs4Teens enhance the immense potential of this film genre in order to offer an innovative and creative approach to media and film literacy to teenagers. Each of the member festivals proposes a programme aimed at young audiences, taking advantage of a mutual exchange that, through the network, allows the identification of films worthy of inclusion in the programme and of particularly successful initiatives. Numerous joint activities are also being planned to bring young people from all over Europe into dialogue with each other.

Fipadoc Campus 2024

11 July 2024

In January 2024, on the occasion of Fipadoc – International Documentary Festival in Biarritz (France) the Fipadoc Campus renewed its commitment to screening documentary films to secondary and high school students

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