Facciamo il Punto
Thursday 18 November at 10:00 - Cinema La Compagnia di Firenze
"Let's make the point - today to plan a new path for the protection and enhancement of archives and libraries in Tuscany tomorrow"
Event organized by the T Regione Toscana, MIC - Ministero della Cultura e Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Toscana in collaboration with the Fondazione Primo Conti e Fondazione Sistema Toscana.
10.00 am - Greetings
Eugenio Giani, President of the Tuscany Region
Michele Di Sivo, Archival and Bibliographic Superintendency of Tuscany
Elena Pianea, Tuscany Region
Sabina Magrini, State Archives of Florence
Maurizio Agamennone, University of Florence
11.00 - 12.30
Presentation of the results of the 2019-2021 Agreement and projection of the videos made by the subjects covered by the enhancement agreement:
Italian Library Association (AIB), Italian National Archival Association (ANAI), Municipality of Follonica, Municipality of Pistoia, Festival dei Popoli - Italian Institute for Social Documentation Film ONLUS, Primo Conti Foundation, Fiesole Music School Foundation Onlus, Foundation Tuscan System, Metastasio Theater Foundation, City of Arezzo Library Institution, Scuola Normale Superiore, International Society for the Study of the Latin Middle Ages (SISMEL), Union of Municipalities of the Valdera, University of Siena -DFCLAM, in collaboration with: Institute of Linguistics computational "A.Zampolli" CNR, CLARIN-IT, Union of mountain municipalities of Casentino.
To access the hall, the green pass must be shown.
The event can also be followed in streaming at the link: https://www.regione.toscana.it/diretta-streaming