Masterclasses and Meetings of the 62nd Festival dei Popoli
At the 62nd Festival dei Popoli not only the best of international documentary cinema, but also a wide range of events, master classes and meetings open to the public.
Calendar of scheduled events:
Exhibition: Il segno dei Reale - The images of Michelangelo Frammartino
From November 20 to 28, Cinema La Compagnia - Free admission
In collaboration with Enegan Art, CNA Firenze, CNA Toscana and CNA Toscana.
Meeting: From the side of the beholder with Eugenio Barba
Sunday, November 21, 18:00 - Teatro Cantiere Florida (via Pisana 111/R) - Event not included in the subscription - single ticket € 15 full, € 10 reduced
In collaboration with Murmuris.
Talk: Pop Corner - meetings at the boundaries of reality
From November 22 to 26 at 19:00 - Sala Paradiso of 25HoursHotel (Piazza di S. Paolino,1) - Free entrance
Meeting: Between Nature and Culture: Problems of Western Naturalism
Wednesday, November 24, 11:00 am - Aula Magna of the Rectorate Unifi (Piazza San Marco 3) - Free admission
The meeting is part of the Habitat section, realized with the support of Publiacqua.
Masterclass by Michelangelo Frammartino
Wednesday 24 November, Cinema La Compagnia, 11:30am - Free admission
(Italian with simultaneous translation in English)
In collaboration with Enegan Art, CNA Firenze, CNA Toscana and CNA Toscana.
Masterclass by Nicolas Klotz and Elisabeth Perceval
Thursday, November 25, Cinema La Compagnia, 11:30 am - Free entrance
(French with simultaneous translation in English)
In collaboration with Embassy of France, Unifrance, Florence French Institute, Italy French Institute.
Meeting: New horizons for audiovisual archival heritage
Thursday, November 25, 10:15 am - Mediateca Regionale Toscana (via San Gallo 25) - free admission
Proposed by the Cinema area of Fondazione Sistema Toscana and the Festival dei Popoli Archives.