Scuola Normale Superiore Talks at the Festival dei Popoli
As part of its Third Mission activities, the Scuola Normale Superiore has initiated a collaboration between the Political and Social Sciences class and the Festival dei Popoli, which involves the active participation of the school's students in the selection of three documentary films, among those presented out of competition, and in the organisation of debates with the public following each screening.
The Third Mission flanks the university's two main functions, scientific research and education, with the precise mandate of disseminating culture, knowledge and transferring research results outside the academic context, contributing to the social and cultural development of the territory. The aim of the initiative is to encourage a critical, informed, reasoned debate on issues that often generate a passing media hype, offering the point of view of scholars and scholars.
Scheduled Talks
Monday 6 November, Cinema Astra - 17:30
Shadow Game, by Eefje Blankevoort, Els van Driel (Netherlands, 2021)
The journey of unaccompanied minor migrants across European borders.
Speakers at the talk:
Els van Driel, co-director of the film.
Sajid Khan, protagonist of the film.
Donatella Della Porta, political scientist and sociologist. Professor of the Class of Political and Social Sciences at the Scuola Normale Superiore and director of the Cosmos Centre for Social Movements.
Masika Daniela Vaninetti, doctoral candidate in political science at the Scuola Normale Superiore, works on migration policies, colonialism, and post-colonial conditions and subjectivities.
Tuesday 7 November, Spazio Alfieri - 5 pm
Who I Am Not, by Tünde Skovrán (Romania/Canada, 2023)
The lives and aspirations of two intersex people living in South Africa.
Speakers at the talk
Michela Balocchi, sociologist and researcher, expert on gender issues and intersexuality. Among the founders of the "Intersexioni" project and part of the PoliTeSse research group at the University of Verona.
Isabel Hernandez Pepe, PhD student in Political Science at the Scuola Normale Superiore, deals with gender policies and inequalities.
Saturday 11 November, La Compagnia- 3 p.m.
Twice Colonised, by Lin Alluna (Denmark, Canada, Greenland, 2023)
The story of Aaju Peter, an Inuk lawyer and activist fighting for the rights of indigenous peoples.
Speakers at the talk:
Francesca Matteoni, writer and poet, author of Artico (Crocetti, 2005), Acquabuia (Aragno, 2014), Ciò che il mondo separa (Marcos y Marcos, 2021) and Tutti gli altri (Tunué, 2014). She writes about literature, ecology and folklore with reference to indigenous peoples.
Daniela Musina, PhD candidate in political science at the Scuola Normale Superiore. She is interested in political and institutional violence, the post-colonial condition and security policies in the Euro-Mediterranean space.
Federica Stagni, PhD candidate in political science at the Scuola Normale Superiore, she deals with mobilisations and resistances to settlement colonialism, with a particular focus on Palestine.
Martedì 7 novembre, Spazio Alfieri - Ore 17:00
Who I Am Not, di Tünde Skovrán (Romania/Canada, 2023)
La vita e le aspirazioni due persone intersex che vivono in Sudafrica.
Intervengono al talk:
Michela Balocchi, sociologa e ricercatrice, esperta di questioni di genere e di intersessualità. Tra le fondatrici del progetto “Intersexioni" e parte del gruppo di ricerca gruppo PoliTeSse dell’Università di Verona.
Isabel Hernandez Pepe, dottoranda in Scienze Politiche presso la Scuola Normale Superiore, si occupa di politiche e disuguaglianze di genere.
Sabato 11 novembre, La Compagnia- Ore 15:00
Twice Colonised, di Lin Alluna (Danimarca, Canada, Groenlandia, 2023)
La storia di Aaju Peter, avvocatessa e attivista Inuk che si batte per i diritti dei popoli indigeni.
Intervengono al talk:
Francesca Matteoni, scrittrice e poetessa, autrice di Artico (Crocetti, 2005), Acquabuia (Aragno, 2014), Ciò che il mondo separa (Marcos y Marcos, 2021) e Tutti gli altri (Tunué, 2014). Scrive di letteratura, ecologia e folklore con riferimento alle popolazioni indigene.
Daniela Musina, dottoranda in scienze politiche presso la Scuola Normale Superiore. Si interessa di violenza politica e istituzionale, condizione postcoloniale e politiche securitarie nello spazio Euro-Mediterraneo.
Federica Stagni, dottoranda in scienze politiche presso la Scuola Normale Superiore, si occupa di mobilitazioni e resistenze al colonialismo di insediamento, con sguardo particolare alla Palestina.