Kids and Teens for schools
The Festival dei Popoli's Popoli for Kids and Teens initiative, dedicated to documentary and animated films for young audiences, in a team effort with established local and prestigious international institutions, features 27 films related to current affairs and special events for schools. For more information on the various workshops, please write to edu@festivaldeipopoli.org.
Talk by Change for Planet - Youth in Action
The role of young people in the fight against climate change
Monday 6 November at 9 a.m. at PARC (Piazzale delle Cascine 4/5/7, Florence)
Ages: 14-18 (reserved for schools)
During the talk, participants will meet the founders and activists of an association of young people for the environment, Change for Planet, who will share their experience as organisers of the first Local Conference of Youth on Climate Change (LCOY) in Italy and their participation, from 2021, in the Conference of Parties (COP) as Observers.
Change for Planet - Youth in Action: a non-profit association founded in 2020 by a group of young people, the result of the first Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) in Italy. From 2021 it participates as an official observer within the UNFCC system. The aim is to increase climate literacy in order to have a concrete impact on local communities.
Workshops curated by Cinefilante film per piccolə
Workshops on respect for the environment
Wednesday 8 November at 9:30 am at Terminale Cinema (Via Carbonaia, 31, Prato)
Age: 4-5 years (reserved for pre-schools)
In order to prolong in the classroom the experience of watching short films at the cinema, four didactic sheets* will be produced for teachers and pre-school teachers (in the 4 and 5 year old sections) with the intention of offering ideas for reworking in the classroom, under different aspects, the viewing of the programme "Io sono Natura", dedicated to the theme of respect for the environment.
The fact sheets contextualise the short films that make up the programme and offer opportunities for in-depth study through didactic activities and reading suggestions.
*The fact sheets and bibliographies are realised thanks to the collaboration with the Servizio Pubblica Istruzione e Sistema Bibliotecario of the Comune di Prato and in particular with the Pedagogical Coordination of the Educational Services and with the team of the Sezione Ragazzi e Bambini of the Lazzerini Library in Prato.
Cinefilante film per piccolə: a project set up in Prato with the aim of bringing children, young girls and their families closer to the cinema seen in cinemas by proposing appropriate films and accompanying educational tools.
Matinee with Schools
Wednesday 8 November at 9:30 am at Terminale Cinema (Via Carbonaia, 31, Prato)
Monday 6 November at 9 a.m. at PARC (Piazzale delle Cascine 4/5/7, Florence)
There will be screenings and initiatives reserved for schools of all levels. The screenings for schools will be accompanied by educational workshops, debates and reflections led by experts on the theme.
For schools: it is possible to activate PCTO courses during the days of the Festival dei Popoli with packages of modular hours and customised projects. Upon request, it is possible to organise educational screenings, both at the cinema and within the school, throughout the school year.
Popoli for Kids and Teens is realized with the contribution of the Metropolitan City of Florence, SeeNL, Embassy and Consulate General of the Netherlands in Italy in the Scope of FuturoPresente* and with the collaboration of Unicoop, Comune di Prato, Fondazione Stensen, Lanterne Magiche, Parc - Performing Art Research Centre, Fabbrica Europa, L'Aleph, EchiVisivi, Change for Planet and Mukki.
*Special programme in collaboration with Performing Arts Fund NL, Dutch Foundation for Literature, Dutch Cultural Participation Fund, SeeNL