OPEN CINEMA! Cinema under the stars for the Estate Fiorentina 2021
From June 28 to August 8, 2021, Florentine nights return to light up in the Piazzale degli Uffizi with "Apriti Cinema", the Estate fiorentina arena.
For the occasion, the Festival dei Popoli dedicates a tribute to the couple of Italian-Austrian filmmakers Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, entitled The splendor of life - The cinema of Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, already winners of the Italian competition at the 47th Festival dei Peoples (2005) with Babooska. Curated by Daniela Persico.
Their cinema, proudly artisanal and familiar, shines with a sincerity that is the result of the practice implemented: the choice to live with the told communities (especially the circus one, which the two filmmakers followed for twenty years); the will to cross the border between documentary and fiction; the decision to shoot in 16mm film: these are some of the nerve centers of the style that made them known in major international festivals (Cannes, Berlinale, Locarno) and saw them among the finalists at the Oscars. The event is organized in collaboration with the Austrian Cultural Forum in Rome.
The film arena is organized by the Quelli dell’Alfieri association, with programming by La Compagnia - Fondazione Sistema Toscana, in collaboration and with the support of the Gallerie degli Uffizi and included in the Estate Fiorentina of the Municipality of Florence.
All screenings are free but online booking is required to access! See below how to book

Festival dei Popoli program - Apriti Cinema 2021
TUESDAY 29 JUNE AT 9.30 PM (In the presence of the Director)
Patti in Florence by Edoardo Zucchetti (Italy, 2020, 97 ')
1979. After eight years without concerts by Anglo-Saxon bands, the Patti Smith Group arrives in Italy. It is their last concert together, but the 80,000 people gathered in Florence still don’t know that, and celebrate “their Woodstock.” Thirty years later, Patti comes back to the crime scene; Edoardo Zucchetti follows her through the streets and art sites of Florence, alternating the recent past with the repertoire and memories of that blazing evening.
WEDNESDAY 30 JUNE AT 9.30 PM (In the presence of the Directors)
La Pivellina (The Little One) by Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel (Austria, Italy, 2009, 100 ')
Fifty-something Patty finds a two-year-old baby, Asia. Believing that her mother will pick her up soon, the woman takes the little one home. She brings her up despite the worries of her partner Walter and the whims of fourteen-year-old Tairo. A magical film that draws from Asia’s and Tairo’s childhood, but also from the transparency of the aged adoptive parents, Patty and Walter.
WEDNESDAY 7 JULY at 9.30pm
Babooska by Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel (Austria, Italy, 2005, 100 ')
Twenty-year-old Babooska is filled with infinite energy but cannot make many plans for her future. Following the life of their young heroine for a year, the two filmmakers investigate the daily life behind the scenes of a little Italian circus. Between the provincial narrowmindedness and the difficulty of a radical life choice, Babooska becomes the emblem of a youth too focused on the present time to abandon itself to dreams.
Der Glanz des Tages (The Shine of Day) by Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel (Austria, 2012, 90 ')
When old Uncle Walter, a penniless circus performer, knocks on Philipp’s door, a well-known stage actor, something breaks his nephew’s routine and he begins to feel captive of his own work, not to mention the helplessness in front of his neighbour Victor, an illegal immigrant who is being kept away from his wife. The loneliness of three men in a chamber play, enlightened by the crafty and gentle presence of Walter Saabel.
Mister Universo by Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel (Austria, 2016, 90 ')
Tairo, a young lion tamer, is worried about his animals, which are old and could die any minute. When he loses his talisman, he decides to embark on a journey across Italy in search of the man who gave it to him a long time before, the mythical Mister Universe. A film on an age of passage, in which only a ‘wizard’ can help him survive the hurricane of adolescence.
Screenings are always free but places are limited and reservations are required.
A few simple rules to consider:
● Reservations will be closed every day at 19.30.
● Access to the arena will be allowed from 45 minutes and up to 10 minutes before the start time of the event.
● The numbered seat assigned during the booking process must always be respected.