
Proxima: the selected projects

Doc at Work: the Industry section of the Festival dei Popoli is back!

The first section to be announced is PROXIMA, a selection of 5 projects in the editing or post-production phase of an Italian production or co-production. The selected directors and producers will present during the pitch on Thursday 9 November (Spazio Alfieri, 10.30h), an excerpt of their works in the final stage to an audience of Industry experts, and will subsequently take part in a series of one-to-one taylored meetings with the aim of pursuing the production and distribution of their films.

(Admission allowed only with Industry accreditation)

The selected Proxima projects are:

Cesare nel tempo by Angelo Loy

Fiume o morte! by Igor Bezinovic

Gioventù bruciata by Agostino Ferrente 

Il mondo di Beau di Claudia Tosi 

L’era d’oro by Camilla Iannetti 

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