SNS Talks at 65th Festival dei Popoli
As part of its Third Mission activities, the Scuola Normale Superiore has initiated a collaboration between the Political and Social Sciences Class and Festival dei Popoli, which foresees the active participation of students in the selection of three documentary films, among those presented out of competition, and in the organisation of debates with the public following each screening.
The Third Mission flanks the university's two main functions, scientific research and education, with the precise mandate of disseminating culture, knowledge and transferring research results outside the academic context, contributing to the social and cultural development of the territory. The aim of the initiative is to encourage a critical, informed, reasoned debate on topics that often generate a passing media hype, offering the point of view of scholars and scholars.
Scheduled Talks
Monday November 4th, Cinema La Compagnia - h 3 pm
Taming the Garden
Salomé Jashi (Switzerland, Germany, Georgia | 2021 | 92 min)
Speakers: Franca Midori Marquardt, PhD student in the Class of Political and Social Sciences - Scuola Normale Superiore and Lydia Karazarifi, PhD student of the Class of Political and Social Sciences - Scuola Normale Superiore
Monday November 4th, Cinema Astra - h 7 pm
Daughter of Genghis
Kristoffer Poulsen, Christian Als (Denmark, Sweden, France, Mongolia | 2023 | 86 min.)
Speakers: Nadia Breda, president of the inter-university research centre ‘Asia, Nomadic Cultures, Mobility and Environment Study Center - Mongolian Culture Center (naMec) and Daniela Chironi, researcher at the Scuola Normale Superiore and member of the “Centre on Social Movement Studies” (COSMOS).
Thursday November 7th, La Compagnia - h 9.30 pm
Save Our Souls
Jean-Baptiste Bonnet (Francia | 2024 | 91 min)
Speakers: Jean-Baptiste Bonnet, director of Save Our Souls, Giovanni Avorgna, Gruppo Salvagente di Firenze - SOS Mediteranee and Ismini Nikoleta Mathioudaki, PhD student, Class of Political and Social Sciences - Scuola Normale Superiore.
Friday November 8th, La Compagnia - ore 7.15 pm
Cyborg Generation
Miguel Morillo Vega (Spain | 2024 | 64 min)
Speakers: Florian Carl, PhD student, Class of Political and Social Sciences - Scuola Normale Superiore
Stefano Dal Canto, ordinary student of the Class of Humanities - Scuola Normale Superiore.