DOC at Work Future Campus
Realised thanks to the support of Fondazione Sistema Toscana, Cinema La Compagnia and Toscana Film Commission and the participation of CNA Toscana Doc at Work – Future Campus is a creative observatory and a vantage point to look at the future of international documentary cinema.
Its films offer a cross section of a generation of emerging film-makers who are being, or have been, trained in the main Italian and International film schools.
Since 2017, the Italian film schools that have participated in the activities of the future campus are: Scuola Holden – Storytelling and Performing Arts (Turin); Civica scuola di cinema Luchino Visconti (Milan); Centro FilmaP – Atelier di Cinema del Reale (Naples); la Zelig – School for Documentary – Television and New Media (Bolzano); CSC – Centro Sperimentale, di Cinematografia (Palermo); NABA La Nuova Accademia delle Belle Arti based in Milan and Rome.
The international film schools that participated in the Future Campus activities are: FAMU Film and TV School of the Prague Academy of Performing Arts (Repubblica Ceca); HEAD – Haute école d’art et de design (Svizzera), ERG – École de Recherche Graphique (Belgio), HFF (Monaco di Baviera), ECAM – The Madrid Film School (Spagna); Fémis (Francia); LUCA – school of Arts (Belgio); Master en Documental de Creación – UPF (Spagna-Barcellona); INSAS – (Belgio); CISA – Conservatorio Internazionale Scienze Audiovisive di Locarno (Svizzera).
Winners of the Doc at Work Industry Awards
The winners of the Proxima section, for projects in the editing and post-production phase, and Itineranze Doc, for projects in development, which were presented to the public at the end of the six-monthly Itineranze Doc workshop during the Festival dei Popoli, were revealed
Read moreThe selected Projects of the third edition of Itineranze DOC
Friday 8 November will see the presentation of the six projects selected from the third edition of Itineranze DOC, a six-month training and education course dedicated to real-life cinema projects in development.
Read moreDoc at Work Industry 65th Festival dei Popoli’ programme
On the occasion of the 65th edition of the Festival dei Popoli, from 6 to 8 November 2024, the appointment is renewed with Doc at Work Industry, the space dedicated to the cinema of the real work-in-progress.
Read morePROXIMA: the projects of the second edition
PROXIMA is the section of Doc at Work Industry dedicated to Italian films in editing and post-production; an opportunity to discover the Italian documentary cinema of the immediate future and present it to professionals and representatives of international festivals.
Read moreItalian Documentary: Towards Fiction?
On Wednesday 6 November, at 6.30 pm at Cinema La Compagnia, Pietro Marcello and Alice Rohrwacher talk together with Gabriele Genuino of Rai Cinema about the future of the ‘cinema of real’.
Read moreSubmission to Doc at Work Proxima are open
PROXIMA is the section of Doc at Work Industry dedicated to Italian films in editing and post-production; an opportunity to discover the Italian documentary cinema of the immediate future and present it to representatives of international festivals and professionals.
Read moreSubmissions Doc at Work Future Campus 2024
Registration is now open for Doc at Work Future Campus, the higher education project dedicated to international film schools, at the 65th Festival dei Popoli.
Read moreItineranze DOC third edition
Open until March 4, 2024, is the call to participate in ITINERANZE DOC, the six-month training and education program, dedicated to real-life film projects in development, to creatively and productively support filmmakers in their first or second film.
Read moreProxima: the selected projects
Five Italian film projects in editing or post-production have been selected for the Proxima project, whose excerpts will be premiered to a professional audience during the 64th edition of the Festival dei Popoli
Read moreSubmission to Doc at Work Proxima are open
PROXIMA is the section of Doc at Work – Industry dedicated to Italian films in editing and post-production status; an opportunity to discover the Italian documentary cinema of the immediate future and present it to representatives of international festivals and professionals.
A maximum of 3 titles will be selected; each project will be allowed 30′ (of which a maximum of 20′ to show excerpts and 10′ to verbally describe the project). One-to-One meetings with festival selectors and other professionals will follow.
Registrations for Doc at Work Future Campus 2023 are open
Registration is now open for Doc at Work Future Campus, the higher education project dedicated to international film schools, at the 64th Festival dei Popoli.
Read moreTomorrow’s film laboratory
At the Doc at Work – Future Campus of the 63rd Festival dei Popoli, a path of excellence presenting a selection of the most interesting talents of contemporary cinema to imagine the future of real cinema.
Read moreDoc at Work offers a variety of proposals:
Meetings held by internationally renowned filmmakers during which they explain their work, the search for inspiration and how to work on the script, the development of a personal style, the relationships between the creative side and the productive side of the work.
List of previous Masterclasses:
2014 “On Truth and Fiction in Documentary Cinema” – Masterclass held by Jos de Putter (director and producer, Netherland)
2016 “5 Strayed Films” – Masterclass held by Sergio Oksman (director, Brazil/Spain);
2017 “The Power of Observation: How and Why I Make “Observational” Documentaries” – Masterclass held by Kazuhiro Soda (director, Japan);
2018 “A Relational Cinema” – Masterclass held by Roberto Minervini (director, Italy);
2018 “Landscape and Politics” Masterclass held by Dominque Marchais (director, France).
2019 “Fiction/ Documentary, Archive /Contemporary, Past/Present. Cinema on the Frontier of genres and epochs” – Masterclass held by Sergei Loznitsa (director, Ukraine).
Filmmakers of different geographical, cultural and educational backgrounds are invited to discuss about a theme that is deeply relevant in their works.
List of previous panel discussions:
2018 “Memory and the Archives” – Reflection on the value of Memory and Archives as important tools not only for cinema but to design our future paths.
2018 “DocXchange: Documentary Exhibitors Collective – Network of international cinemas dedicated to documentary films”.
Meetings conducted by professionals from the cinema industry in which the various and multiple skills are teached to students and young filmmakers for educational purposes.
List of previous workshops:
2014 “The First Five Minutes: How to Start Your Doc” – Workshop on editing by Jan Rofekamp (Producer, Netherland)
2014 “Making Movies: The Mind at Work – From the Development of a Project to the Editing Process” – Workshop on editing by Dominique Auvray (Filmmaker and producer, France)
2015 “The Empathic Camera” – Workshop on shooting techniques by Wojciech Staroń (Filmmaker and DOP, Poland)
2016 “The Invention of Reality” – Workshop on writing of the subject by Sergio Oksman (director, Brazil/Spain)
2016 “Filming Sensations” Workshop by Danielle Arbid (director, Lebanon/France)
2016 “Virtual Reality, the new border for documentary cinema?” – Workshop by Radical Plans (Italy).
2019 “Il produttore è un filmmaker?” – workshop by da Enrica Capra (producer, Graffiti Doc).
The Festival dei Popoli seminars, held by directors, producers and other professionals present in Florence as guests during the Festival, is to provide information, practical advice and strategies on how to professionally face the cinema industry: festivals and film markets have their own rules and it is not easy for beginners to carefully evaluate the right moves to make in this world. Hence the importance, through the seminars, of receiving advice and strategic indications.
List of previous seminars:
2014 “I Have Made a Film, What Now? Tips and Tricks on Festival Strategy” – seminar held by Rada Sesic (Rotterdam International Film Festival)
2015 “On The Ground – The Future of (Online) Filmmaking” – seminar held by Jos de Putter (Director and producer, Netherland)
2015 “Self-Producing & Self-Distributing Your (Egoless) Documentary” – seminar held by Boris Mitić (Director, producer, DOP, Serbia)
2016 “Interactive Documentary – Pratiche digitali per il racconto del reale” – seminar held by Roberto Malfagia (La Jetée – Storytelling School, Italy)
2018 “Find Your Festival” – seminar held by Daniela Persico (Festival di Locarno)
2019 “Filmakers’ tools & Comrades for Combat in the Industry” – seminar held by Cem Öztüfekçi (Beldocs International Documentary Film Festival)